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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meet Raven!

1.What is your name ?
Raven Tatum, but you can call me Rae.

2.How Old are you (if you want this added)?

3.Where are you from?
Hollygrove, New Orleans, Louisiana.

4.How long have you been geting tatted?
Since the tender age of 15.

5.Which one (if any) would you say is your favorite tattoo?
The matching quotes on my feet: "walk by faith" and "not by sight". they're really understated and i forget they're they're really meaningful.

6.Which one (if any) hurt the most?
The spiderwebs at the bottom of my left wrist. The circle in the web is directly over my wrist bone...even when he stretched the skin to avoid tattooing right over it, I still couldn't take it.

7.What is your tattoo goal?
Complete my sleeves, complete my socks, and finally decide on an artist for my back. I'd like to see all of my tattoos "come together".

8.Are you employed?...(if so...where ? and do they say anything about your tattoos?) I was taking up my tattoo and piercing apprenticeship, but it began getting in the way of school so until finals are over && I get a lighter schedule, I'm currently on the job market.

9.What inspired your tattoos?
The need for permanence. All my life people, places and things have been transient, but my tattoos stick with me.

10.Who does your tattoos?...or where do you get them done at?
Royal Flush Tattoo, 4289 American Way, Memphis TN. I model there as an Inked Angel :D

11.Do you have any tattoos that you regret?
I don't really regret this tattoo, but I have a huge tattoo that says "conceited" from my right ankle up to my right knee. I mean, when I got it, it made sense, but I'm really in a different place now and that statement doesn't reflect how I feel about myself anymore. I'd like to get it covered with some tiger lillies.

12.Any extra information you want the readers to know about you?
Not really. I'm boring as fuck, but I'm interesting to look at.

13.What Information (if any) would you give to someone who is thinking about getting their 1st tattoo ?
Knock out the rough areas like ribs and feet first. And never stop breathing. Whatever you do, don't hold your breath.

14.How can you be contacted? (fb, twitter, blog, website etc.) I'm incognegro on Twitter, that shit is wayyyy too time-consuming.


  1. wow you look amazing did you have your baby yet

  2. Hey Rae I been tryin to find u on FB or Twitter for a while now. I ain't heard from u since 2010( CH Nashville). Whenever u get this hit me up on FB.-Marcus Horton.
