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Monday, August 1, 2011

Reggie Fresh

1.What is your name ? Reggie Fresh

2.How Old are you (if you want this added)? 24

3.Where are you from? Miami, FL

4.How long have you been geting tatted? My back piece has to be my favorite

5.Which one (if any) would you say is your favorite tattoo? I've been getting tatted for 6 yrs now

6.Which one (if any) hurt the most? My chest piece had to hurt the most

7.What is your tattoo goal? My tattoo goal is just to contine this master pieace I got going on and to show people the real meaning of art.

8.Are you employed?...(if so...where ? and do they say anything about your tattoos?)No

9.What inspired your tattoos? I feel the best thing god created was a women so for that I have nothing but women of all different ethnicity's on me.

10.Who does your tattoos?...or where do you get them done at? The name of the shop is illustrated ink in Carol City, FL

11.Do you have any tattoos that you regret? Not at all

12.Any extra information you want the readers to know about you? They can follow me on my twitter @reggiefresh86 and ask me wat eva they want to know.

13.What Information (if any) would you give to someone who is thinking about getting their 1st tattoo ? Make sure its something u really want and don't get tatted jus cause u see everyone else doing it.

14.How can you be contacted? (fb, twitter, blog, website etc.)1.What is your name ? @Reggiefresh86

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