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Saturday, June 18, 2011


1.What is your name ? SNOOK

2.How Old are you (if you want this added)?24

3.Where are you from? Queens NY

4.How long have you been geting tatted?7 years

5.Which one (if any) would you say is your favorite tattoo? I'd say my half sleeve on my left arm. It has everything incorporated with me. I loved it so much I had my tattoo artist tatt her signature on it

6.Which one (if any) hurt the most? Lmao my vaginal tatt. Lol that's the only tatt I damn near cried for

7.What is your tattoo goal? Sleeve the rest of my arm and sleeve my legs... And cover my back

8.Are you employed?...(if so...where ? and do they say anything about your tattoos?) I'm a hairstylist...they don't really say much. Lol my boss keeps tellin me I'm going to regret them when I get older but for the most part my clients love them

9.What inspired your tattoos? I love the way they look. So many colors. They show up so pretty on my skin. My mom played a big part in it to... She's tatted too

10.Who does your tattoos?...or where do you get them done at? A girl name Jaime in riverdale GA.... She's Soooo dope. Most people underestimate her because she's a female artist but i love her. She so neat with her shit

11.Do you have any tattoos that you regret? KINDA... lol I was dealing with a guy and I put his initials on my hand but luckily my grandparents initials are the same so I tell people that the RS stands for Rodney and Susan

12.Any extra information you want the readers to know about you? Lol I BLEED INK... Lmao and I have no clue how many tatts I have

13.What Information (if any) would you give to someone who is thinking about getting their 1st tattoo ? GO FOR IT... ink away but it does get addictive. Forget all that stuff about make sure it means something cuz it'll be on u forever.... Fuk it. Just get inked

14.How can you be contacted? (fb, twitter, blog, website etc.)1.What is your name ? You can catch me on Facebook under sheliah snook sutton and u can always follow me on twitter @snooki3bear

1 comment:

  1. Who is she why is she relevant and whats the deal with all the tattoos....i wanna see that in the first 3 lines not read an entire interview on someone that's virtually unknown
