1.What is your name ?
.Mike Payne
2.How Old are you (if you want this added)?
3.Where are you from?
LA but reside in Vegas
4.How long have you been geting tatted?
I been gettin tatted for 2 years
5.Which one (if any) would you say is your favorite tattoo?
my favorite tattoo is the phoenix on my back
6.Which one (if any) hurt the most?
the back most definately hurt the most to me
7.What is your tattoo goal?
8.Are you employed?...(if so...where ? and do they say anything about your tattoos?)
I work at UPS and they don't care about tattoos
9.What inspired your tattoos?
I myself inspired all my ink its just me expressin myself and what im in to
10.Who does your tattoos?...or where do you get them done at?
Brad Pauley at voodoo tattoo does all my work
11.Do you have any tattoos that you regret?
I don't regret none of my ink
12.Any extra information you want the readers to know about you?
mmm I have at tat in my lip lol
13.What Information (if any) would you give to someone who is thinking about getting their 1st tattoo ?
the shit hurts and just think wisely about what u want and put on ur body
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