1.What is your name ? Noonie Pie
2.How Old are you (if you want this added)? 18
3.Where are you from? Baton Rouge, LA
4.How long have you been geting tatted? about 4 years
5.Which one (if any) would you say is your favorite tattoo? either my ice cream cone putting on mascara or my cupcake skateboarding over a shark tank.
6.Which one (if any) hurt the most? the one my back
7.What is your tattoo goal? a lot but not so many to wear you cant make out what things are.
8.Are you employed?...(if so...where ? and do they say anything about your tattoos?) I do hair and im a model for a tattoo shop so no they don't say anything lol.
9.What inspired your tattoos? the suicide girls
10.Who does your tattoos?...or where do you get them done at? Effum BodyWorks in Baton Rouge, LA
11.Do you have any tattoos that you regret? yes the star on my stomach and the name and butterfly on my wrist they're so common and don't really match my personality any more.
12.Any extra information you want the readers to know about you? I love Amy Winehouse , ballet , and being a free spirit ...
13.What Information (if any) would you give to someone who is thinking about getting their 1st tattoo ? wait until you think of something you really want dont rush and make sure you go to a PROFESSIONAL nowhere cheap because it'll be there for the rest of you life so it should be quality.
14.How can you be contacted? (fb, twitter, blog, website etc.)1.What is your name ? @LiFEinPlasticc .. (facebook) Noonie Pie